
06 July 2014

Shrink Transaction log DB Replication

First check what is causing your database to not shrink by running:
SELECT name, log_reuse_wait_desc FROM sys.DATABASES

If you are blocked by a transaction, find which one with:

Kill the transaction and shrink your db.

If the cause of the blocking is 'REPLICATION' and you are sure that your replicas are in sync, you might need to reset the status of replicated transactions. To see the status of what the database still think needs to be replicated use:
DBCC loginfo

You can reset this by first turning the Reader agent off (I usually just turn the whole SQL Server Agent off), and then run that query on the database for which you want to fix the replication issue:
EXEC sp_repldone @xactid = NULL, @xact_segno = NULL, @numtrans = 0, @time= 0, 
 @reset = 1

Exec sp_replflush

Close the connection where you executed that query and restart SQL Server Agent (or just the Reader Agent). You should be all set to shrink your db now.

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